How to create compelling patient testimonials for your med spa

17 June 2024

Nothing speaks louder than the voices of satisfied customers. 

That’s why patient testimonials are one of the most effective tools for building social proof for your practice.

Testimonials are quotes or videos from patients that share their experience with your med spa. 

When patients see stories from others like them, they are more likely to trust your practice and want to work with you.

Including testimonials on your website, social channels, and other marketing materials is a great way to show what sets your med spa apart, attract new patients, and bring existing patients back

Read on to learn how to formulate compelling testimonials and gather them from patients in four easy steps.

Use this blueprint to craft powerful patient testimonials:

Tell a story with a clear before and after trajectory.

Good storytelling makes current and prospective patients think, “That could be me.” 

The key to helping patients visualize their own transformations is to follow this basic format:

  • The before: Show what the patient’s life looked like before working with your med spa.

  • The after: Illustrate what the patient’s life looks like after working with you.

An expanded version of this format might look something like this:

  • Background info: Provide quick background info about the patient.

  • Challenge: Introduce the patient’s initial skin or health challenge.

  • Solution: Explain how your treatments solved their problem.

  • Results: Share specific outcomes or benefits the patient experienced.

Here’s an example:

“My name is Alli, and I'm a news anchor here in Chicago. I've been struggling with acne for years. I always want to look my best on camera, so it can get really frustrating. I've tried tons of products, but nothing works for very long. A friend told me about chemical peels, and I decided to see if they could work for me. I did three rounds of peels at Amora, and my skin looks better than it ever has. I picked Amora for their reputation and was really impressed by how they personalized every visit. They let me choose my favorite music and aroma in the treatment room and even gave me samples of this awesome serum to try at home. I'm so much more confident on camera and I'm hoping that if I keep up with my at-home regimen and get regular peels, I can finally stay acne-free.”

This testimonial tells the patient’s story from the “before” state to the “after” in a captivating and engaging way. 

It explains exactly how the treatment solved Alli’s problem and improved her life. 

It also highlights the practice’s established expertise, unique approach, and desirable results. 

Incorporate results data.

Data turns vague promises into genuine proof. 

It shows patients that your med spa delivers concrete, measurable results.

Here’s how you can incorporate data into your testimonials:

  • Encourage patients to share specific results: Provide details about what the “after” state looks like. For example, “Now my skin is plump and hydrated,” or, “The texture of my skin went from bumpy to smooth and soft.”

  • Highlight timeframes or number of sessions: Illustrate how quickly your treatments deliver results. For example, “Within four weeks, my skin’s elasticity improved” or, “After six laser hair removal sessions, my skin feels smoother than ever and none of my hair has grown back.”

Quantifying the results and how long it took to achieve them is more convincing and shows that your treatments are effective.

Keep the tone natural and informal.

When it comes to creating a standout testimonial, authenticity is everything. 

It should never sound like it was scripted by a robot or your marketing team.

Encourage your clients to keep it real, as if they’re talking to a friend. 

Here are some tips for keeping the tone informal and conversational:

  • Use natural, uncomplicated language: Avoid jargon, flowery language, and obscure words.

  • Highlight emotions: Let patients share how their transformation made them feel.

For example, “I was super self-conscious about my love handles, but after a few body sculpting sessions, they’re basically gone. It’s always awkward to open up about your body insecurities but the staff made me feel so comfortable. Can’t recommend Amora enough!” - Jenna F.

Keeping the tone informal makes the testimonial relatable, genuine, and easy for other patients to relate to.

Include a few basic patient details.

A great testimonial should be believable.

Sharing basic, verifiable information about the patient while still respecting their privacy adds additional credibility. 

Include the patient’s first name and perhaps the first initial of their last name. You can also add in the type of treatment they got. 

For written testimonials, you can include a headshot.

But that’s about all you should share. Never give out personal information or contact details. 

Including basic details like this helps bring the testimonial to life and makes it feel real.

Check out some good examples from other med spas:

Chelsea P.’s experience with laser hair removal at Skin Therapeutics Med Spa in Ellicott City, MD

We like Chelsea’s testimonial because she clearly illustrates the contrast between the before state–shaving every day–and the after state–enjoying smooth and silky skin without needing to shave. She uses a conversational tone, and her confidence and upbeat attitude shine through. She also explains how long the procedure took and how long the results last. The video also includes her first name and last initial without giving away personal details. 

Mr. Hanan’s experience with hair restoration at Laser Esthetica in Roseville, California

Hanan’s testimonial follows a clear before-and-after narrative, detailing his struggles with hair loss, how it has affected his brothers, and how the treatment restored his hair. He also shares specific details about the treatment process and results, including how long it took to see results. His casual and enthusiastic tone makes it both engaging and authentic. His name is included in the caption to lend additional credibility.

Now that you know how to craft a killer testimonial and have seen some great examples, it’s time to collect your own. 

Here’s how to get started.

Follow these steps to gather testimonials from patients:

1. Get permission to collect and share them.

You must get explicit consent to use any patient’s testimonial. 

Using testimonials without permission is considered misleading advertising and can have legal consequences, including fines and penalties. 

Be clear with your patient about how and where the testimonial will be shared.

This ensures that your patients feel comfortable sharing their experiences and know what will happen with the quotation or video. 

2. Provide patients with guidelines beforehand.

Make the process as easy as possible for your patients by giving them a roadmap. 

This approach helps ease nerves and ensures that testimonials highlight your med spa’s unique benefits and differentiators.

Here are some sample questions you could share with them ahead of time:

  • What skin or wellness challenge were you dealing with before visiting our practice?

  • How did you feel when you were experiencing this challenge?

  • What made you choose our med spa over others?

  • How did our treatments help resolve your issue?

  • What specific results have you seen since starting treatments?

  • Would you recommend our med spa to others? Why?

Make it clear to patients that they can answer whichever of these questions they feel comfortable with. They don’t need to answer them all and they’re just meant to provide guidance.

3. Collect them in a way that’s convenient for them.

Patients can share written quotations by text, email, or hand-written note. Whatever works best for them.

For video testimonials, you can film at your practice, over Zoom, or patients can film themselves at home. 

The key is to be flexible and make sure your patients feel comfortable and at ease.

4. Make minimal edits to maintain authenticity.

Keep testimonials authentic by only making minor edits for clarity and brevity. 

Avoid altering patients’ original words or tone too much.

If a testimonial contains minor grammatical errors or informal language, it’s often best to leave it as is—this makes it more realistic and relatable.

This approach ensures that testimonials feel natural and heartfelt and reflect the true experiences of your patients.

How to craft powerful patient testimonials:

  1. Tell a “before and after” story.
  2. Incorporate results data.
  3. Keep the tone natural and informal.
  4. Include a few basic patient details.

Once you have your final products, share them on your website, social accounts, and beyond. 

It’s time to show off everything your practice has to offer!

Looking for more testimonial inspo? Check out the ones on our website.

See Testimonials

About the Author


Sarah Eberle

RepeatMD Med Spa Marketing Expert

Sarah Eberle is a healthcare marketing expert with specialized knowledge in aesthetics, wellness, neuroscience, and cardiology.