Med spa promo emails that drive action [+Templates]

17 June 2024

Do your practice’s promotional emails typically get opened? 

Do recipients click on your offers and make purchases? 

Whether you answered “Yes” or “No,” you’re about to learn how to write promo emails that drive more opens and more action. 

Get ready.

Promo emails are one of the most accessible and cost-effective ways to promote special offers and new services to current and prospective patients. 

All you need is an email address, a mailing list, and either an email marketing platform like Constant Contact or  practice management software like Boulevard.

Because they’re so accessible to brands and businesses of all sizes, inboxes these days are overflowing with promos. 

And the competition for email engagement is always getting steeper, while attention spans are getting shorter. 

Here's how to cut through the noise and create med spa promo emails that drive immediate action.

Define an action-oriented goal for your email.

Any promotional email you create should help you achieve a specific, action-oriented goal.

Some common goals include:

  • Selling a specific treatment, package, or membership

  • Getting patients to shop a sale or use a discount code

  • Collecting sign ups for an upcoming event

  • Promoting special giveaways or contests

Once you’ve defined your goal, formulate your email to help you reach it. We’ll go into more detail about how to do that in the next section.

Build your email around the goal you set.

The success of your promo emails has little to do with luck. 

There’s a proven formula that can help you achieve the goal you set.

Here’s how to create a strong promotional email that drives patients to act fast.

1. Craft an enticing subject line.

Your subject line is the gateway to the content of your email.

It should convince recipients to open it and make them want to take the action that achieves your goal.

Generally, a good subject line for a promo email is:

  • Specific: What are you offering? Tickets to an event? 10% off all treatments?

  • Relevant: What do your customers need? Glowing skin for summer? Package options that help them save money?

  • Attention-grabbing: Did you use FOMO marketing tactics like urgency, scarcity, or social proof to convince them to open the email and take action now? Did you build intrigue by using the recipient’s name or an emoji?

  • Short: Will the whole subject line be displayed in most email clients? It’s best to aim for 30-50 characters. One study claims that 41 characters or 7 words is the sweet spot.

Here are some examples: 

  • Say goodbye to excess hair - 30% off waxing til 6/31!

  • The Ageless 3000 laser is here. Limited spots!

Once you’ve crafted a compelling subject line, the next step is writing  preview text that helps amplify its message.

Does your subject line check these 4 boxes?

  1. Is it specific?
  2. Is it relevant to your audience?
  3. Is it attention-grabbing?
  4. Is it about 30-50 characters long?

2. Write preview text that hooks them.

Preview text is the text below the subject line, shown as a preview in your inbox, that teases what's inside the email.

Use preview text to give readers a sneak peek of what's inside.

It should hook them enough to open it. 

Studies show that well-written preview text increases open rates by at least 8%.

For example:

  • Get hair-free skin for less. Limited time. Don't miss out!

  • Get that youthful glow with our new laser—Book before spots fill up.

These lines tease the offer and like the subject line examples, use FOMO marketing tactics to encourage action.

Strong preview text piques curiosity, builds intrigue, and reinforces the urgency and value of your promotion. It hints at how good the offer is, encourages the recipient to see what else the email has to say, and brings them one step closer to helping you hit your goal.

3. Use formatting that breaks up the body. 

Depending on your promo email’s offer, the body is going to vary in length. 

Regardless, a wall of text will scare the recipient away. 

Keep the body concise and break up text with line breaks, bolding, underlining, images, links, or bullet points. It will be easier for your recipients to digest the content of the email and focus on what you are offering. 

For example, showcase before-and-after images, highlight key benefits with bullet points, or use bold text for important details like discounts or deadlines.

This type of formatting helps key information stand out and facilitates easy skimming.

With an attention-grabbing subject line, compelling preview text, and visually appealing formatting in place, the next crucial element is crafting an irresistible offer that motivates recipients to take action.

4. Make your offer irresistible.

You know your audience best. 

Craft an offer that will be difficult for them to pass up.

Clearly communicate your offer, whether it’s a special package, new treatment launch, or a seasonal discount. 

Include details such as the services included, discount percentage, and booking deadline to create urgency and exclusivity.

Here are some examples: 

  • We’re taking 30% off all waxing treatments and packages for the rest of June.

  • Smooth wrinkles, fine lines, and uneven skin with the Ageless 3000. Be one of the first to try it—Limited Appointments available. 

Highlighting the value and benefits of each offer entices the recipient and encourages them to make a purchase.

Now it’s time for the final push toward conversion.

5. Leverage a strong call-to-action (CTA).

Your CTA should be short, convincing, and should motivate action.  

CTAs that include phases like “Learn More” or “Book Now" are often good choices.

Whenever possible, your emails should have one strong CTA that helps you reach your goal. 

However, this doesn’t work for all promo emails, especially if you are sharing multiple products or services that recipients can purchase straight from the email. 

Even if your email contains multiple CTAs, they should all help you achieve the same goal you set at the beginning, like booking appointments for one of your newly offered treatments. 

Here are some CTA examples:

  • Buy now for smooth hair-free skin all summer. CTA Button: [Buy Now] 

  • Book your session now to secure your spot and unlock youthful skin. CTA Button: [Book Now]

A well-crafted CTA reinforces the urgency and benefits of your offer and guides recipients towards conversion with confidence.

6. Include eye-catching visuals.

Rather than using the same stock photos that so many practices use, try using your own photos. 

Or, create graphics using free, easy-to-use platforms like Canva

It doesn’t take much time, it’s an easy way to authenticate your brand, and it also helps to break up the text. 

Just don’t go too overboard with them. 

As a general rule, include 1–3 visuals, or one per product or service you are promoting.

Your promotional email should be exciting but not overwhelming, and the images should complement, rather than distract, from the CTA.

Get started with customizable templates.

Now that you've got the basics down, use the templates below as your guide. Modify them however you like to make them your own!

Template 1: Special offer email

Subject line: Shine Bright—20% off Summer Glow Packages

Preview text: Get ready to glow this summer with limited-time savings on this exclusive package.


Hi [First Name], 

Shine bright this season with our exclusive Summer Glow Package. Say goodbye to dull, dry skin and hello to a radiant complexion.

Our package includes:

- A hydrating facial

- Full-body exfoliation 

- Sunscreen for your skin type

It’s regularly priced at $295 but if you book now, you can enjoy it at 20% off. Offer ends Sunday. 

Ready for your best Summer glow yet?

[CTA Button: Yes]

Shine on,

[Your Med Spa]

You can use special offer emails like this to promote exclusive deals and savings. They may include limited-time offers on popular treatments, package deals, or seasonal discounts. These emails are effective for driving immediate bookings and encouraging clients to grab discounts before they’re no longer available. 

Template 2: New treatment launch email

Subject line: NEW ProFacial H20—first 10 bookings get 15%

Preview text: Experience the ultimate hydration with our newest treatment—act fast to save.


Hi [First Name], 

We're thrilled to announce our newest treatment: the ProFacial H20! Get plump, dewy skin after just one treatment. 

Key benefits:

- Hydrates skin

- Removes dirt

- Reduces fine lines

- Plumps and firms

The ProFacial H20 is only available at Amora. Be one of the first 10 patients to book and get 15% off your first session. Regularly priced at $499.

Book now and experience the most hydrating facial on the market for less.

[CTA Button: Book Now]

Cheers to you,

[Your Med Spa]

New treatment launch emails should highlight the benefits and unique features of the treatment while building excitement and anticipation. They’re a great way to raise awareness for a new service, attract new patients looking for the latest skincare solutions, and drive bookings for the service.

With fresh tips and templates under your belt, it’s time to draft your email and kickstart your next promotion! Good luck!

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About the Author


Sarah Eberle

RepeatMD Med Spa Marketing Expert

Sarah Eberle is a healthcare marketing expert with specialized knowledge in aesthetics, wellness, neuroscience, and cardiology.