Want to sell more cash pay services?
RepeatMD's platform combines the power of rewards, patient financing, and memberships into your mobile app, providing a new source of revenue and delivering the industry's best patient experience.
Book a DemoTrusted by practices in all 50 states
1.5 Billion
Outshine your competition with your own mobile app.
Mobile Rewards
48% of initial treatments come from unlocked rewards.
Members spend 44% more than non-members.
Patient Financing
167% increase in patient spend with Affirm financing.
22% average increase in practice revenue with RepeatMD.
Patient Engagement
86% of in-app purchases are made outside of the practice.
Business Intelligence
46% of app users are referred by a friend.
Struggling to sell more memberships and treatments?
Powered by RepeatMD's signature MedCommerce™ Engine, we make it easy for your patients to buy treatments from your mobile rewards app, 24/7, all year round - just like the biggest brands in the world.
Book A DemoRepeatMD consolidates all the software in your practice for a unified patient experience
RepeatMD consolidates all the software in your practice for a unified patient experience
Explore the world of RepeatMD
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